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Donations of any size help our students.

These are just a few examples of what your donation means to our program.

$25 can provide one week of activities for an elementary SPA student or

a Bands on the Red student.


$50 can provide tickets to underprivileged and under-served families and

individuals to attend each of our SPA performances. It can also ensure our

fixed-income students in the MySPA program a full week of activities.


$100 can ensure that a Middle School or High School SPA student can participate in all activities the SPA has to offer for the entire summer.


$250 can cover the costs of an “After-SPA” activity, where over 150 students can be involved in a fun, safe, and positive environment.


$500 can ensure that SPA students are able to work with professional artists and perform with state-of-the art technical equipment. 


$1,000 can sponsor half of all scholarship needs for the Elementary SPA program, or it can sponsor the pit orchestra for a High School performance.


Remember, a donation in ANY amount will help shape the lives and make a difference in our students’ lives.

Be a part of the SPA magic!

For more information, or to make a tax-deductible donation directly to SPA via check, please mail to:

The Summer Performing Arts Company

2211 17th Avenue South

Grand Forks, ND 58201

Due to banking regulations, checks must be made out to "G.F.P.S.". Please write SPA or

Summer Performing Arts on the memo line. Thank you!


To make an electronic donation, please click the link below:

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